Constructora Epaci ca

Miranda - Venezuela
  • No verificada
Información de Constructora Epaci ca

About the Company

Special studies, advisings, designs, inspections, construction and maintenance of work of engineering electric low and high voltage below the 34kV, 34 years of experience.

Electrical: Urbanisms, high and low voltage, public lighting and telephone system, road lighting, high tension lines, sub stations, main switchgear and spot network system.
Electrical, fire, theft, robbery and c.c.t.v systems: shopping centers, hotel, industrial, offices and residential buildings, bank offices, supermarkets, gas stations, gymnasium and sport center, stadium, police station, ships.

Telecommunications: In the areas of architecture, civil, mechanical and electrical engineering, central telephone (mtso), radio base stations, repeaters (backbone), prototypes, data center, radio room, centers of generation, ups and batteries room, operators' room, earthing system, administrative, sales and services office.

Nombre de la empresa:
Constructora Epaci ca
Dirección Fiscal:
132 Edf. Guayacan La Urbina
Proveedores destacados

Aceros Man

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